onsdag 27 november 2013

Swimming in Bora Bora with insulin pump in a bikini from AnnaPS

Josefin Palmén is an athletic who loves to swim. She is swimming with her Animas Vibe pump and she is carrying her pump in the bikini with pocket from AnnaPS. You can see the pictures on here blog, it looks great. We really would like to go to Bora Bora, paradise.

Link to the blog click here to see Josefin swimming with insulin pump

See the bikinis with pockets for insulin pump on http://www.annaps.com/en/swimwear-bikini-with-a-pocket-for-insulin-pump/bikini-for-699-sek.html

Read more about swimming with insulin pump on blog (see link above)
Swimming with pump or just be on the beach with pump and feel relaxed in a bikini from AnnaPS

tisdag 26 november 2013

Diabetes clothes will help you to a better sleep

As diabetic with pump it is sometimes lot of problems when you sleep.

Lots of pump users wake up a lot of times in the night because they have the pump free in the bed and when they turn they start laying on the pump, the hose is straighten and it is a lot of risk to lose the infusion set from the body, which is really bad for the glucose level.

Lot of pump users feel bad sleeping with the belts. It is not good looking and uncomfortable to wear.

Some are wearing the pump in a clip on the boxers. No problem until you need to visit the toilet in the nights and you have to put the pump in your mouth to hold it.

Really big problems start when you have small kids calling in nights or coming and would like to sleep in your bed. The small kids hands and feet are a big risk to catch the hose and then the infusion set is falling off.

As a diabetic with pump I love my boxers with special pockets for the pump integrated. I always sleep with the pump in the boxers and I sleep so well. I am never disturbed because of the pump. With the pump in the boxers never have to think about the pump and the hose. I don´t even see the pump and I feel good looking. I never wake up because of laying of the pump. I feel safe. And I always have my hands free. I love my boxers with pocket for insulin pump. My special diabetic clothes.

Do you also would like to sleep well and not have to see or think about your pump in the nights. Please welcome to the website where you can buy the boxers or other special clothes for insulin pump user´s on www.annaps.com

Good night and have a nice sleep in your underwear´s from AnnaPS.
wear your insulin pump in AnnaPS diabetic clothes with special pockets for insulin pump

måndag 18 november 2013

SUSTAINABLE FASHION part 3 - natural or synthetic material

AnnaPS ® stands for sustainable fashion and has chosen a synthetic fiber in the garments. The fiber is cellulose which comes from trees that can be our spruce and pine trees in the forest. AnnaPS® has chosen wood that is guaranteed to be cultivated in a sustainable manner. The tree fiber is named Tencel® and are manufactured in a controlled way, to secure eco-friendly production, please read more about this fantastic fiber on the producer´s website: http://www.lenzing.com/en/fibers/tencel.html

And now more about sustainable fashion….what is natural and synthetic material? And what is sustainable and why?

To make clothes you need to start from a raw material such as trees, cotton, wool, hemp. The raw material is treated into a fiber so that it can be spun into a yarn which is then knitted or weaved to fabric.

There are two types of fiber, natural or synthetic. The natural fibers are, for example cotton, silk, hemp, flax, wool. These materials are designed so that it is possible to spin a thread directly from the fiber.

Synthetic fibers are for example viscose (made on the tree), polyamide (made from oil). What is common with these is that the raw material needs to be "cooked" and the fiber/thread is manufactured in a process similar to spaghetti. The fiber/thread become steadier compared with a natural fiber/thread.

This implies that both natural and synthetic fibers can be sustainable fashion. Natural fibers are always renewable resource which is sustainable fashion. However, they can be sprayed with chemicals so bad that they stop being sustainable fashion.

Synthetic fibers can be sustainable fashion or not. If they are made of renewable raw materials and manufactured in a fear way, then it is sustainable fashion.

AnnaPS has chosen Tencel to secure high quality, soft and wonderful material and produced in a sustainable way. Welcome to www.annaps.com, underwear´s with and without pockets to carry, insulin pump, pen, glucose meter etc.
Spider web is a natural fiber - excellent!

AnnaPS garments are made of  Tencel - green fashion, and wonderful material-here pocket for insulin pump in singlet.

torsdag 14 november 2013

AnnaPS fight diabetes. Today it is the Blue day. We all wear Blue to show our support to find a cure to diabetes.

AnnaPS has a case to all buying garments with pocket to carry insulin pump, pen, glucose meter and dextrosol.

When buying you support research against diabetes.
Welcome to our shop at annaps.com

And get the great bag to show your fight too.

lördag 9 november 2013

World diabetic day in Malmö

Thank you Malmö for a great day. Lot of nice people ! AnnaPS is happy to join you this day. To meet all excited people and talk about our solution to carry insulin pump, glucose meters, dextrosol etc 

tisdag 5 november 2013

AnnaPS starting the BLUE DAY 9th of November in Malmö

As Diabetic we are looking forward to the BLUE DAY. It is the world diabetic day, celebrating the 14 th of November.

AnnaPS is working for making life with diabetes easy. Our way is to develop clothes with pocket especially to help diabetic to carry all things they need to bring all the time, as pump, pen, glucose meter, sugar and phone etc.

AnnaPS fight diabetes and supporting the research to find a cure for Diabetes. AnnaPS is supporting the Swedish Child diabetes found and also the Swedish diabetes found.

AnnaPS is starting the BLUE DAY already the 9th of November to participate in Malmö event. We bring all our garments and also lot of great offers.

Please meet AnnaPS at Stadionmässan in Malmö 9th of November at 10.30-16.00.

Please visit AnnaPS web www.annaps.com

WELCOME!!!!! Love to see you there!

lördag 2 november 2013

New distributor in US and Norway

We at AnnaPS is working to make it easier for you as customer to buy clothes where you can carry your insulin pump or things you need as diabetic. We are happy to present new distributors.

From now it is possible to buy AnnaPS garments with pockets to wear insulin pump inside USA. AnnaPS has a new distributor in US/Canada.

Please visit: www.diabetessecure.com

AnnaPS has also a new distributor in Norway and for customers in Norway please buy AnnaPS garments from the webshop www.mylife-direct.no

In EU you simple shopping AnnaPS products from www.annaps.com

AnnaPS also have more distributors. Since before we have distributors in Denmark, please visit Mediq Denmark, they also provide garments in their shop in Copenhagen.

Distributor in Finland, please visit: www.diabeteskauppa.fi.

AnnaPS is looking for more distributors. If you are interested, please contact Anna Sjöberg at info@annaps.com.
Clothes to carry your insulin pump and pen- new distributor in USA and Norway